Expanding Horizons

Nobody likes feeling discomfort, but it is a necessary part of the learning process, and a necessary part of growing. We humans are more comfortable with things that we already know whether it’s good, bad or neutral. We get "used to” things in our lives - including things we are knowledgable about, routines, diets, careers, relationships, environments, health, even chronic injuries or illnesses. Our “zone of comfort” shall we say includes all of the things that we have learned; anything outside of that will initially bring sensations of discomfort - until we learn them. Once we learn about and become familiar with these new things, people, or places, our zone of comfort expands to include them. The more time we spend on the planet and the more things we experience and learn, the larger our comfort zone can become. So if we want to expand our horizons, we first need to wade through a bit of discomfort. 

Sometimes, strange as it may seem, we can even get to a point where it feels uncomfortable to not be injured or sick or limited by our health. This is especially true with chronic conditions that have been part of our lives for a long time. We get comfortable with them - no matter how uncomfortable they may be! As we begin to heal and the grip of that condition loosens, we must make conscious and intensional efforts to explore beyond and expand our comfort area, recognizing that this too may be uncomfortable at first! It’s something people often feel strange and vulnerable about not only as they explore new things but also as their health improves. Those around them, especially their family and friends who had a dual role as a caregiver can also feel uncomfortable when things begin to improve. But it’s a good thing, and you’ll be ok!

Remember that in order to grow and make strides towards expanding our knowledge and improving our lives and our health, we will inevitably feel discomfort and resistance - even when we are making positive changes. Think about how you feel when you’re starting a new relationship, a new job, or relocating to a new place. There’s often some anxiety that surfaces - at least a few butterflies scooting around in your stomach. Heck, simply upgrading your phone or your car, while exciting, is still uncomfortable at first while you sort through that learning curve! Oh and ps…there isn’t a detour around the discomfort that comes with learning new things, but fortunately there is a short cut! When we recognize and embrace the discomfort as simply part of the learning process we can remain curious, open, and optimistic - the perfect environment for learning quickly. When we view it as a negative feeling and dangerous, we often let fear allow us to become disengaged - which means it’s gonna take a heck of a lot longer to learn it, and the period of discomfort will be prolonged. 

So when you’re learning new things or making new changes, hang in there, welcome the discomfort and know that it’s just part of the process of expanding your comfort zone! That bumpy time will get smoother and what was once new and awkward will become comfortable and familiar. Before you know it, it’ll be included in your zone and you’ll be rockin’ it!


Finding Comfort in the Discomfort


Grasshoppers or Grizzly Bears