Spring has Sprung

Recall back to winter, when you were shivering in late December. You were busy making resolutions for the upcoming year with great intentions, but then a few weeks later mayyyybe the resolutions got a bit off the rails? We talked about not beating yourself up about that and to consider that perhaps spring might be a better time for you to turn over the new leaf and get those healthy habits started. Or if you did keep your resolutions, spring could be a great time to challenge yourself with another. Well my friends, guess what?! The time has come! 

Spring is here now so that means it’s the perfect time to revisit those resolutions - or make some new ones. The winter hibernation for plants and animals is finally over and that includes the human types too! Head outside into nature and you’ll find you’re surrounded by new growth, new shades of colour, and new life. All of the signs of spring in nature signal to us that it’s a great time for new beginnings! And as a bonus, this is an easier time of year to feel more energized, motivated and dedicated to your health goals, so you’re likely to have a higher success rate Get yourself into gear for your new beginnings by checking off these 6 C’s to help kickstart your plans - and put a little spring into your step ;) 

  • Clear out the clutter: Getting rid of the chaos and claustrophobia-inducing clutter that surrounds you in your environment can help you feel more in control. You’ll also find it easier to relax when you aren’t sitting in a room of disarray. Oh, and remember to do that closet of yours too!

  • Clean off the dust: Get out the rubber gloves and do that deep spring clean. For starters it’s a good workout, but it’s also a good time to make sure you aren’t being choked out by dust and dander in your own home. Perhaps attack the furniture and carpets too and wipe off your windows inside and out so you can enjoy more of the sunlight. Sometimes we don’t notice the environmental stressors our body puts up with until we’ve gotten rid of them!

  • Create space in your life for self care: Schedule in some time to work on creating your new routine and how your new goals will fit into your day. Double check your calendar and be sure you aren’t overcommitting. It’s important to have some time for spontaneity and relaxation, so if it’s looking like you’ll be “booked” every second of every day, time to look at re-prioritizing those demands.

  • Check-up time: Perhaps you feel you don’t need an annual physical exam, but perhaps it’s been a decade or so since you’ve had one! Getting a once over from your doc and some baseline tests if needed can be a helpful tool to catch things early or give us something to compare to if you end up developing a condition later on. After all, comparing yourself to “your normal” is always going to be more accurate than relying on “general population normals.” And just like a spring oil change helps keep the car running smoothly, also consider booking yourself in for a little body or mind tune up with your other healthcare providers while you’re at it.

  • Connect: Winter hibernation is over, so it’s a good time to reconnect with friends and family. Plan a get together or even just a call with someone you haven’t seen in awhile. Perhaps even tell them about your new spring resolution - or invite them to join you! We all perform better when accountability is in the mix.

  • Calm your body and your mind: Spend at least (AT LEAST) 20 minutes a day in nature - doing whatever you like. Studies have shown that after being outside in nature for 20 minutes there is a noticeable drop in cortisol levels. Cortisol is one of our main stress hormones and can cause increased inflammation in the body so we don’t need that running full blast all the time.

There you go, 6 C’s to help get you motivated and in the groove to tackle your new spring beginning. I guarantee you’ll be setting the perfect stage for those resolutions to take hold - whatever they may be! 

Oh! And before you go, here’s one more thing to really put that spring in your step…there’s still lots of time for you to smash your “New Year’s Resolution” track record this year! 


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