Receiving vs Giving

As we navigate our path to optimal healing and vitality, we have the opportunity to shape our perspective in a way that can open us to some big transformational shifts that can drastically impact our daily experiences - even if our current situation hasn’t really changed…yet. Though these changes in perspective sound small and simple, they aren’t always as easy to master in real life so you’ll need to put in the work to get yourself there. The more we try to focus and steer our minds towards these new perspectives, the easier and more natural they become, until one day, they became our new default! Today we’ll look at how challenging ourselves to shift our focus to giving rather than receiving can shift our day and set the stage for even better opportunities to come our way.

If you are constantly being let down or frustrated that you aren’t getting what you want or feeling the way you want, this mindset shift could be worth your attention. Sometimes we find ourselves in a position of always needing and desiring things from others: healing, guidance, direction, etc. We can even be like this with our own body - asking only “what are you going to do for me today?”. When we show up for our day coming from this mindset, it is so difficult to feel grounded and that we have control over how we feel and how our day can unfold. We have placed all of our focus on what our environment and those in it can or “should” do for us - which means we’re leaving a lot of our own power on the table and a lot of the responsibility for how we feel up to factors beyond our control. This rarely works out the way we want it to and we inevitably end up disappointed, feeling powerless and frustrated.

Contrast this to showing up for your day coming from a place of feeling grateful and looking for ways to share your gifts with the world and bring love and joy to others. This shift in focus also shifts the power and can be incredibly transformative for you. It creates and nurtures an environment where your creativity and your body’s healing abilities have the opportunity to thrive. When you’re thinking about how you can help yourself and your body feel the way you want to and share your gifts with others, more doors around you are bound to open up. Ironically, when you approach your day from this mindset, you will likely encounter a lot more situations where guidance and healing will show up for you - certainly a lot more than when you were only focused on them coming to you. 

Just to clarify, this doesn’t mean you should only be giving to others and should sacrifice yourself to do it! Giving and receiving are both important and some people can give too much and don’t know how to receive, so the balance needs to be there. We all need some help sometimes and it’s incredibly important to communicate what we need to others around us and those who are helping us along our journey, but I’m not talking about seeking help when you need it. What I’m talking about is the tone that you set for yourself when you wake up in the morning that will direct your path for the day - and the belief that you’ve got good stuff to share. If we are just constantly asking for the universe to give and provide rather than venturing out sharing our gifts with the world, it’s unlikely that we will wander towards all the doors that are already open for us. Before you start your day think about what wonderful opportunities might come up for you to enrich someone else’s day and how great it’s going to be - you’ll be surprised what a difference it makes. And when you are looking for opportunities like that, other doors open - that’s just how it works.

So regardless of where you’re at, have gratitude for where you are now and where you will be in the future and be willing to share your gifts and love with the world. When this mindset shift is well oiled you won’t feel like it’s work, you’ll find yourself even more grateful and mind blasted wondering what you did to deserve the amazing people that have come into your life and the opportunities that have shown up for you.   

Making this shift can be tough, there’s no sugar coating it - especially when you might not be feeling top notch. Even the best of us sometimes catch ourselves in these ruts of waiting for things to come to us and other people to do things for us instead of seeking out how we can contribute to our own vitality. So if that happens, there’s nothing to feel bad about, it just means we’re going to have to dust off our boots and put in more of a conscious effort to remind ourselves to shift focus and dig our way back out! If you find yourself feeling kind of hopeless about things not changing for you, all the more reason to change up your attitude and give this mindset shift a whirl. 

So what do you say? Is it is worth a try? Choose whether to have your intension for the day be to keep your own power and show up from a place of wanting to share your love and gifts with others, or to wait around and wonder who will help you today? It can feel like a tall task, but you have so much to give and it’s such a shame when you keep it all to yourself :)


Healing Like The Hounds


The Age Old Excuse