Good Morning

A number of weeks ago, we talked about approaching the day from a place of giving rather than receiving and how to carry that with us as we go through our day. Today we’ll think about another important mindset to help kickstart the day and set the right tone for what’s to come. During a training course I was at once, we were discussing the difference between waking up like a child vs an adult. The biggest difference? Adults often wake up a bit grouchy or down because they think they know what will happen that day. Children wake up excited because they don’t know what the day will hold. 

Silly kids, blissfully ignorant of the overtime we’ll have to work, the waiting in line we’ll have to do, the appointments we’ll have to go to, the chance of seeing that person we don’t want to see…As adults we often pretend we know exactly what will happen each day and how we’ll feel about it. But the truth is, when it comes right down to it, we don’t have any more of a clue than the kids do! 

Each and every day our life has the potential to change in ways we never could predict! Hard curve balls could be thrown our way, we could have chance encounters beyond our wildest dreams, miracle remissions, or that first introduction to someone who may one day become the most important person in our lives. So, realizing that regardless of our perfectly scheduled calendars, we actually have no idea what the day will bring, we are left with a choice. Our choice is what tone we want to set for ourselves for the day. That choice is actually under our control and can drastically influence the experiences we have as the day unfolds. Think about what vibes you want to begin your day with. You know those positive feelings and joyfulness that you have when you wake up excited about a greatly anticipated event? Well, there’s not actually a rule that says you can’t conjure those up for no reason. You’re actually free to wake up and begin every single day with those feelings - regardless of what’s on the calendar! So, rather than assuming we have it all figured out and it’s not going to be an especially fun or exciting day, why not wipe the slate clean and wake up with that sense of adventure and wonder of what amazing things might be in store? Why not pretend to be six years old and going to the zoo today, or that santa clause might have come? 

Why not just try, to wake up like a child?


Go 10 Steps Further


A Change in Scenery