Choosing a New Year’s Theme

Well another year is nearly behind us and it’s time to wipe the slate clean for next year and welcome in whatever adventures it may hold! Last year we talked about how sometimes our new year’s resolutions tend to slide off the rails after about a month or so. This can happen for various reasons ranging from it was something we just weren’t that passionate about to we had good intensions but winter is a tough time to feel motivated. We talked about how “spring” resolutions might be more attainable for some as that is the time of year when nature is also resetting. It’s a time that we find ourselves surrounded by new life and growth and perhaps feel motivated to mirror it. Never the less, January 1st and the hanging of a new shiny calendar has long triggered us to at least think about what we’d like for the year to come. 

If you want to make a new year’s resolution now, by all means do it! After all, we often wait around for this time to come to trigger a fresh start - even though, we can choose a new direction at any time (so next time don’t wait on the calendar! If you’ve got a desire for change or a new goal in mind just get to it). Our resolutions are usually something specific, a set goal or target to reach, which in theory is wise. For a goal to be a goal the textbooks say it has to be SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. This is what the book says should work, but I find sometimes we think the whole process needs to be this rigid and that actually results in us sliding off the rails more easily because we don’t allow ourselves the flexibility that life demands of us sometimes. So keep in mind that while the final goal may be SMART, our approach to it doesn’t need to be so strict. The direction and path towards that goal may be fluid; this leaves us open for opportunities that might just make our goal easier to attain, or open new doors to even more new goals. So go ahead and make your resolution if you’d like, but be open to seeing that there are various strategies and approaches to attain it - probably even some you haven’t thought of yet. If you aren’t the resolution type, I’d still encourage you to take this opportunity and ponder what sort of direction and growth you’d like to see for yourself over the coming year - in a less specific sort of way.

This more general strategy for the new year is to pick a couple of words that resonate with you and can offer a bit of guidance - a little theme shall we say. In addition to setting an underlying tone or focus for your year, referring back to these can help guide you when you are faced with a dilemma or opportunity that you aren’t sure about. Your word(s) can be anything you like and you don’t even need to tell anyone about them, just keep reminding yourself of them as you make your way through the year. Perhaps set a reminder in your phone with them to keep you on track. A few examples might be “chances”, “change”, “relationships”, “adventure”, “explore”, “truth”, “compassion”, “ambition”, “peace”, “growth” etc, etc. The list of words is endless, as are the opportunities to apply them that are sure to come your way. When a new proposition comes up, maybe your “theme word” will help you decide whether you should jump on board or pass that one by. When you are navigating a tricky situation maybe your word can help you find a way through it more smoothly. If you feel stuck, maybe it will offer motivation for a new direction. Keep it in your mind and in your heart and when you reflect back next year at this time, my hope is that you can pick out at least a few occasions when referring to your word helped guide you towards the direction you wanted for yourself. 

So as you navigate whatever this new year brings you, remember a couple rules about resolutions: 1. You don’t need to wait for January 1st to come around to set some goals. 2. You can wipe the slate clean and start a new beginning and a new direction whenever you like. 3. Let your goal be specific but your path to it to be open. And finally, pick yourself a theme word or two. If you’re true to yourself and your desires when you choose it, I can promise you it will come in handy, like a little compass in your pocket, to help guide you on your journey. Now go put up that new calendar - I have a funny feeling this year will turn out to be a good one for you!


Teachings From Nature


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